Friday 14 February 2014

How do Electrical Problems Affect Vibratory Feeders?

Do you face constant electrical problems with your vibratory feeders? Is the part feeding process becoming a menace because of tripped circuits and blown up fuses? Well then, it is time for you to look in to some of the most efficient troubleshooting options for your problems.

Why are Your Vibratory Parts Feeders Not Working Appropriately?

There could be various electrical issues, which might be hampering the work of your bowl feeders. Some of the most common problems are:
  1.  Improper connection of electrical wires with the vibratory bowl 
  2. The presence of liquids/ lubricants in the parts feeders leads to a short circuit
  3. The build up of static electric energy leads to a declining performance of the feeder bowls
  4. Wearing off of resistors and other electrical components causes the vibratory bowl systems to shut down
  5.  Constant fluctuation in the voltage of electric supply leads to the improper functioning of the feeders
  6.  Entry of foreign material/ heavy dust particles, electrically charged particles in the feeder spring system  causes electrical disturbance
  7.  Insufficient supply of power from the generators/ power source to vibratory bowls leads to low amplitude of feeders, which hampers their performance
  8. Use of poor quality electrical components or wirings results in the early wearing off of the system
  9. Make sure that there are no liquids or lubricants near electrical components of the feeders to avoid  short circuits
  10.  Integrate your parts feeder with an ionizer, which will release negative charged ions to dispel the static  buildup of electricity
  11. Accumulate voltage regulators to monitor and control the voltage of electric currents and avoid any  drastic fluctuations

How can you prevent or attend to the electrical problems in your bowl systems?

If you take certain precautions or steps, it will help you in early detection and prevention of electrical problems in the parts feeders:

  • Make sure that there are no liquids or lubricants near electrical components of the feeders to avoid short circuits
  • Integrate your parts feeder with an ionizer, which will release negative charged ions to dispel the static buildup of electricity
  • Accumulate voltage regulators to monitor and control the voltage of electric currents and avoid any drastic fluctuations
Vibratory Feeders Inc, a top producer of feeder bowls, automation machines, and parts feeders promotes the safe and cautious use of vibratory feeder bowl systems to avoid any electrical problems. To know about our wide range of products, you can visit our website or call us on 800-834-8233/ 860-537-3309.